I am rarely at a loss for words.
At least not written words.
But this isolation thing has really thrown me off my game. I’m not an epidemiologist. I’m not a policy maker. What do I have to offer you, my friends and readers, during this murky time? Where can my words lead right now?
The truth—the very simple truth—is that my words will lead to where they always do. To love. To care. To the light I can shine on the good and the kind, and on your self worth. So here we are. And here are my thoughts on love in the time of COVID. Because really, what else do we have?
1. Stay connected. So, we’ll start with the obvious one. Whether you are in isolation by yourself, or with a house full of family, you need to make concerted efforts to stay connected with your support network. I love my family, and I am thrilled that my husband and kids are here with me, but I still really need to have virtual happy hours with my friends. And I need to go to church and sing along with the hymns via YouTube. I am not alone. And you are not alone. Show your love through connections.
2. Do kind things. There is real healing power in doing something for someone else. And truly, opportunities abound for you to show some kindness right now. If you’re not comfortable leaving your house to shop for someone else, there are so many organizations seeking donations. Is money tight right now? I understand that. You can write someone a letter, draw a picture, or send a “thinking of you” card. And making a phone call to someone else who might be lonely doesn’t cost a thing. Be love manifested—spread it like sunshine!
3. Turn off the news. I can tell you this with some certainty—there is nothing to be gained by succumbing to the 24-hour news cycle right now. It is filled with sensationalism, bad news stories, and figures that are confusing at best, frightening at worst. Show yourself some love by selecting a news source you can trust, tuning in to it as little as possible, and then staying away. Right now, I’m finding print media much easier to digest than the barrage on television or social media, but you make the choice. Once you step away, you’re not likely to miss it. And you might sleep better at night—bonus!
4. Eat your veggies. You know I’m a fan of the mind-body connection. And I am pretty sure that your mind will be more at ease if you’re feeding your body healthy foods. Finding yourself with some extra time? Learn how to make some new dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables. Rushed for time? You can still whip up a green salad, or steam some broccoli, or grab an apple instead of cookies some of the time. Love your body, and anyone else’s body that you’re feeding right now, by making good food choices.
5. Be gentle with yourself. This is hard, friends. Really hard. You may be crying every day. Or ranting because someone left crumbs all over the countertop. Or shutting yourself in your room, reading silly romance novels. And you know what? That’s ok. Moons ago, I had a dissertation coach who said many wise things, and the one that has stuck with me the most is, “Be gentle with yourself.” And now I’m saying that to you. If what you need right now is some grace and space, then take it. There will be plenty of time in the coming months for you to go and slay; you don’t have to do it right now.
That’s it, my friends. My wisdom for you this day is simple: Keep loving. Keep being the light.
Becky Eason, PhD, is an Associate Certified Coach and Certified Leadership Coach. She would love to come with you on your journey for wellness and a happy heart. Learn more on her website: wequestforwellness.com