Mentoring & Supervsion: By and For Coaches


Because coaches are always learning

One of the things I love most about the profession of coaching is that our professional standards expect us to learn and grow constantly. Two facets of these expectations include Coach Mentoring and Coaching Supervision. If you’re a Coach looking for the development and connection that comes with either of these opportunities, read on!

Coach Mentoring

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) requires that all certified coaches regularly seek mentoring, to ensure that they are continuing to meet the high standards associated with credentialed coaches. I’m registered as a Coach Mentor with the ICF, and have successfully shepherded a number of Coaches through both the certification and recertification processes. If you are seeking a Mentor Coach who will go beyond a check against the ICF Markers and actually work with you on the quality of your coaching, let’s talk!


Coaching Supervision

For many coaches in the United States, the concept of Coaching Supervision is new. Far more common in the UK and Europe, Coaching Supervision provides a space for reflection, growth, and creative problem solving for coaches at all levels. Coaching can be a lonely profession; working with a Coach Supervisor can alleviate the professional isolation that our solo practices may create. I have completed Coaching Supervision training through ICCS, and I’m eager to bring this opportunity to coaches in the US and beyond. (Note: Coaching Supervision is currently not required by the ICF. EMCC and other coach certification organizations do require annual supervision sessions.)