A side job?
I’m so happy this week to welcome my dear friend Debra Diehl to the newsletter! Debra is an avid animal lover, health enthusiast, and great fan of live music. And she’s got some great insights into why getting a side job could be just the thing you need!
Who hasn't wished for a little more disposable income? Whether you are the only bill-payer in your household or you have help getting the expenses covered, wouldn't it be nice to have a little more spending (or saving) money? If asking for a salary increase is not an option, consider taking on a side job.
A side job? Sure! If you automatically think you'll have to work crummy hours doing something you don't enjoy, think again.
Since I was sixteen I have never been unemployed. I'm currently 56, which means I've had at least one job for the past forty years. In fact, during most of those years, I've had a full-time job plus a part-time job that I've thoroughly enjoyed. So how do you go about finding a side job that you will find personally and financially rewarding? Ask yourself some questions.
1. What do you love?
I've been an animal lover as long as I can remember. In fourth grade I was entrusted with taking care of the class gerbils over the holidays. That was the start of my ideal part-time job: pet sitting. Employment options can range from feeding your friend's cat while she's traveling to working for a pet sitting service with an established client list. There are pet day care and boarding facilities that need help, as well as online services that can help you get started.
Are you hooked on a fitness class or regularly go to your health club? Consider getting certified to teach that fitness class. Maybe you would be a great assistant at the front desk of the health club.
Do you love jewelry? Perhaps you would enjoy representing a company's jewelry line and promoting it. If you make jewelry for yourself, consider making it for others to buy. If it’s already something you love, it won’t feel like a burden at all!
2. What is an interest you wish you had more time for?
If you can't wait to get your hands in the dirt, consider a job at a garden center or greenhouse. Plant knowledge is a valuable asset, and chances are you would learn even more. Many types of retail stores set up garden centers in the spring and may need extra help for just a few months. A seasonal job can be a great way to get started on turning that hobby into something profitable.
3. What are you already doing for friends and family that others might pay you for?
If you're happy to help out with grocery shopping and errands, transportation to doctor's appointments, light housekeeping or laundry, check to see if there is a business in your community that offers these services. They often need people for short periods of time on a regular basis.
Do you do volunteer work for an organization that could eventually turn into a paid position? What a rewarding use of your time!
4. Has a friend ever said you are so good at something you should get paid for it?
Do you make an awesome cheesecake or pie? Let your friends know that you'll take special orders for your baked goods. At the end of the holiday season you could find yourself with extra money instead of extra bills. Maybe your beautiful quilts could be turned into a side business, or your pottery. The options are bound only by your talent and interests.
5. Is the work environment more important than the actual job?
If you spend your day in an office, do you want to be doing something outside instead? Would you thrive on having more social interaction? Or enjoy doing something more solitary? What is your “happy place?” There could be a job there.
(And one from Becky) 6. Would you like to make new friends?
If you find yourself at a place in life where you’d like to have more friends who share your interests, why not find them through a side job? Working at a sporting goods store, a pet shop, or your local library could be great ways to meet people who share your interests—both the patrons and the other employees!
Remember, your time is valuable. Make the most out of how you spend it.
My beautiful friend Deb and her beautiful friend Maisie!
Debra is a full-time Events Coordinator at the University Press of Kansas and a part-time Pet Sitter for Lawrence Pet Friends. When she's not working she enjoys hiking, live music, Jazzercise, and spending time with her husband and their two dogs.
Becky Eason, PhD, is an Associate Certified Coach and Certified Leadership Coach. She would love to come with you on your journey for wellness and a happy heart. Learn more on her website: wequestforwellness.com